
Ebay Goodies

I recently was sitting in front my computer browsing ebay one night and ran acroos some old Burger King protional watches for Jurassic Park: The Lost World and Congo and decided to order them… super happy with my purchase… reminded me of when I originally had them when I was a kid. I am currently wearing a Congo watch right now.

2 Responses to “Ebay Goodies”

  1. Magnolia:

    I just bought these online. How much does it cost to replace the batteries and how difficult is it to DIY? Hope you get this message. Looking forward to your response.

    Lastly, I reblogged your photo and gave you credit. Let me know if you want me to take it down.

    • admin:

      You can get the batteries at any store like walmart or target, etc etc. I forgot exactly which ones to get but all you have to do is get a screw driver with a really small head to take the back off. Be patient and take your time, the screws are tiny. Just remember that these are cheaply made watches and the insides may not be permanently attached and might be loose when you unscrew the back. If you can try and get a screw driver that has a magnetic tip, makes getting the watch put back together easier. Hope this helps.

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