GameStop // Black Panther Helmet

While working on the GameStop account at The Marketing Arm we were given the task with promoting the Black Panther helmet that was going to be available for pre-order. Avengers Infinity War was a huge hit that summer and I wanted to capitalize on that while also having a bit of fun.

The concept was to lean into the ending of Infinity War. I know right? That was sad for everyone watching but we wanted to kind of lean into the tolling nature of it because it fit with the gaming community. Luckily the GameStop audience got the joke and had fun with it.



The post on Facebook had over 2.7K reactions, 1K comments, and 177K views.


I had to get a bit scrappy with literally no budget. Luckily I had a purple backdrop from a previous job on YellowTail. The helmet and glove were provided by GameStop and for the fake ash I tore up a trash bag that was dropped from above. Borrowed a co-workers dust buster and used someone on the team to be Thanos’s hand. To add a bit more falling ash I added an overlay effect.